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Mars Hub $MARS — Complete staking guide — Imperator.co

Mars Cosmos money market protocol with Mars Hub. Claim $MARS from Terra Classic snapshots via Station or Keplr. Stake MARS on Station or Keplr with Imperator.co




31 janv. 2023

Artistic representation featuring the Imperator.co logo encapsulated within a radiant red orb, set against a cosmic backdrop, evoking a sense of exploration and expansion in the universe of blockchain technology.
Artistic representation featuring the Imperator.co logo encapsulated within a radiant red orb, set against a cosmic backdrop, evoking a sense of exploration and expansion in the universe of blockchain technology.
Artistic representation featuring the Imperator.co logo encapsulated within a radiant red orb, set against a cosmic backdrop, evoking a sense of exploration and expansion in the universe of blockchain technology.

📌 What is MARS?

Mars is a money market protocol, similar to Compound or AAVE, but with additional and new features adapted to Cosmos. The Mars Hub is an Appchain considered as a Hub and which implements different “outposts” on other Cosmos chains.

How does it work? Mars aims to become the core credit protocol for the entire Cosmos ecosystem. To achieve this role, they had to find a way to avoid fragmented liquidity between chains. That is why they there is the Mars Hub that sits in the middle and coordinates asset movement between chains. If a market on a specific chain has an excess of USDC and another market on another chain has a shortage of USDC, Mars Hub will detect that and move assets accordingly. The very first outpost will be Osmosis.

🪂 How to claim the $MARS


The airdrop was only for those who held MARS tokens on Terra Classic at the time of the crash and depeg.

Two snapshots were taken, one before the depeg of UST and one after.:

  • Snapshot 1: Block 7544910 (May 7, 2022, ~11 a.m. EST)

  • Snapshot 2: Block 7816580 (May 28, 2022, ~11 a.m. EST)

If you are concerned, there are two ways to claim your airdrop.

1/ The MARS Airdrop with Station Wallet

  1. Connect the wallet which held MARS on Terra Classic during the snapshots.

  2. Your new tokens should appear in your Station Wallet

  3. Go to the “Stake” tab and select Mars as the network.

Select “Manual Stake” and you will see the different validators

2/ MARS Airdrop with Keplr wallet

  1. Download the latest version of Keplr via your browser extension or follow the guide on: https://www.keplr.app/download.

  2. Connect the wallet which held MARS on Terra classic during the snapshots. Click on “Add Account” on the account overview on the right upper corner of the wallet (small black figure)

3. For Hardware Wallets: Click on “Import Ledger” and select “Import Terra Ledger App”.

For Hot Wallets: Click on “Import Existing Account” and enter your seed phrase. Select Mars Hub in the chain dropdown. Select coin type 330. If you miss the coin-type pop-up, delete the wallet and start over.

📚 How to stake $MARS?

1. With Station

Go the station.terra.money.

On “Manual Stake” you will see the different validators

You can search for Imperator if you want to stake with us and click on our name:

Now click on “Delegate”

Select the number of MARS you want to stake and submit the transaction.

2. With Keplr

Go to https://wallet.keplr.app/chains/mars-hub

You can look for our validator Imperator.co, and once done click on manage:

Select “Delegate”

Then choose the number of MARS you would like to stake on our node:

And it’s done! You are now staking with Imperator.co, congratulations! 👏

Thank you very much for your support. We hope that this article was helpful. If it was, the best way to support our work is by staking with Imperator.co.

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